Disability Measures Used in U.S. Federal Surveys Significantly Underreport Disability Status
Nastassia Vaitsiakhovich, Scott D. Landes, Jean P. Hall, and Bonnielin K. Swenor
Increased Suicidality Risk among Adolescents with and Active-Duty Sibling or Parent in the United States
Andrew S. London and Kevin M. Antshel
Behavioral Science-Based “Nudges” Could Increase Physical Activity among Adolescents with ADHD
Hannah Patnaik, Andrew S. London, and Kevin M. Antshel
Hospital Travel Times are Too Long in Rural Puerto Rico
Catherine Garcia
What Factors Contribute to Racial Disparities in Asthma Prevalence in the United States?
Ali Jones and Marc A. Garcia
It is Time to Stop Using the Washington Group Questions to Measure Disability in U.S. Federal Surveys
Scott D. Landes, Bonnielin K. Swenor, and Jean P. Hall
Differences in Happiness and Perceived Meaning in Life between U.S. Working-Age Adults with versus without a Self-Care Disability
Nastassia Vaitsiakhovich, Scott D. Landes, and Shannon M. Monnat
How Can America Support the Health of its Diverse Aging Population?
Catherine Garcia, Lauren L. Brown, and Marc A. Garcia
Which Types of People Were Least Likely to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Xue Zhang and Shannon M. Monnat
How Did Cognitive Status Impact Health Care Use Among Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Katarina Sako and Janet Wilmoth
States’ COVID-19 Restrictions were Associated with Increases in Drug Overdose Deaths in 2020
Douglas A. Wolf, Shannon M. Monnat, Jennifer Karas Montez, Emily Wiemers, and Elyse Grossman
How Does Educational Attainment Influence the Perceived Need for Future Assistance with Activities of Daily Living?
Julia M. Finan
Adopting the Standard Medical Deduction Increased State SNAP Enrollment and Benefits
Yuwei Zhang, Jun Li, Dongmei Zhu, and Colleen Heflin
Older Adults are at Greater Risk of Opioid Use Disorder in Communities with High Social Vulnerability
Tse-Chuan Yang, Seulki Kim, Stephen A. Matthews, and Carla Shoff
Waiving SNAP Interviews during the COVID-19 Pandemic Increased SNAP Caseloads
Colleen Heflin, William Fannin, Leonard M. Lopoo, and Siobhan O’Keefe
Cognitive Functioning is Higher among Older Adults in Walkable Neighborhoods that Have Low Economic Disadvantage
Tse-Chuan Yang, Seulki Kim, Seung-won Emily Choi, Shannon Halloway, Uchechi A. Mitchell, and Benjamin A. Shaw
What Factors Increase Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia?
Elizabeth Vasquez and Kai Zhang
Are We Accurately Counting the Disabled Population in the United States?
Nastassia Vaitsiakhovich, Scott D. Landes, and Bonnielin K. Swenor
Pain Limits Family Caregivers’ Daily Activities
Shelbie G. Turner, Karl A. Pillemer, Jamie Robinson, and M. Cary Reid
Why is Food Insecurity High among U.S. Grandparents who are Caring for Grandchildren?
Madonna Harrington Meyer and Anna Delapaz
ACA Medicaid Expansion Did Not Significantly Improve Maternal Morbidity
Pinka Chatterji, Hanna Glenn, Sara Markowitz, and Jennifer Karas Montez
Democratic Erosion Predicts Rising Deaths from Drug Poisoning and Infectious Disease
Jennifer Karas Montez, Kent Jason G. Cheng, and Jacob M. Grumbach
Medicaid-Insured Older Adults on SNAP May Have Stronger Medication Adherence
Colleen Heflin, Chinedum O. Ojinnaka, Irma A. Arteaga, Leslie Hodges, and Gabriella Alphonso
Financial Rewards Tied to Quality Measures Lead Home Health Agencies to Exaggerate Their Improvements
Jun Li and Meher Chahal
Children in Economically Disadvantaged Households Have Lower Early Literacy Skills than their Higher-Income Peers
Michah W. Rothbart, Colleen Heflin, and Gabriella Alphonso
CDC Guidelines Hide the Alzheimer Disease Mortality Burden among Adults with Down Syndrome
Scott D. Landes
Food Insecurity is a Common Problem for Military Service Members and their Families
Colleen Heflin and Gabriella Alphonso
How did COVID-19 School Closures Affect Adolescents with ADHD
Nandini Jhawar, Ashley Schiros, Andrew S. London, and Kevin Antshel
How Has Grandparenthood Changed in Rural China?
Merril Silverstein
Older Adults on SNAP Experience Gaps in Benefits
Colleen Heflin, Leslie Hodges, Irma A. Arteaga, Chinedum O. Ojinnaka, and Gabriella Alphonso
The Unequal Burden of Long COVID
Marc A. Garcia, Catherine Garcia, and Erin Bisesti
Limited Cognitive Ability May Reduce SNAP Participation among Older Adults
Colleen Heflin, Dongmei Zou, and Gabriella Alphonso
The Cost of Being a Woman: How Race and Education Affect the Gender Pay Gap
Erin Bisesti and Marc A. Garcia
Older Immigrants Are More Likely Than Older Nonimmigrants to Experience Loneliness
Stephanie Zemba and Janet Wilmoth
Sociocultural and Demographic Drivers of Latino Population Health in New York State
Marc A. Garcia, Mara G. Sheftel, Adriana M. Reyes, and Catherine Garcia
Allowing Cities to Mandate Employer Paid Sick Leave Could Reduce Deaths among Working-Age Adults
Douglas A. Wolf, Jennifer Karas Montez, and Shannon M. Monnat
Expansions in the U.S. Child Care and Development Block Grant Improved Program Stability
Hyojeong Kim, Colleen Heflin, and Taryn Morrissey
The Chances of Dying Young Differ Dramatically Across U.S. States
Nader Mehri and Jennifer Karas Montez
Resilience is Low among Both Military and Non-Military Populations with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Kelsey Roberts, Janet Wilmoth, and Shannon M. Monnat
Civil Rights, Firearm Safety, and Environmental Protection Policies Predict Better Health among U.S. Midlife Adults
Blakelee R. Kemp, Jacob M. Grumbach, and Jennifer Karas Montez
COVID-19 Negatively Impacted Health and Social Relationships among Working-Age Adults with Disabilities
Claire Pendergrast and Shannon M. Monnat
Nine Ways Grandparenting is Changing with the COVID-19 Pandemic
Madonna Harrington Meyer
COVID-19 Has Reduced the Latino Mortality Advantage among Older Adults
Marc A. Garcia and Rogelio Saenz
White COVID-19 Deaths Increased More in Red States Than in Blue States in 2021
Rogelio Saenz and Marc A. Garcia
Rural Adults Report Worse COVID-19 Impacts than Urban Adults
Shannon M. Monnat
COVID-19 Deaths Soared among U.S. Whites in 2021
Rogelio Saenz, Marc A. Garcia, and Claire Pendergrast
Latinos Report Higher Rates of Cognitive Impairment than U.S.-Born Whites, But Rates Vary Between Latino Subgroups
Claire Pendergrast, Marc A. Garcia, and Catherine Garcia
What Do Epidemic History and Sexual Minority Men’s Experiences of HIV and COVID-19 Teach Us About Pandemic Preparedness?
Amy Braksmajer and Andrew S. London
COVID-19 Has Had Devastating Economic Impacts on Older Black and Latinx Adults
Claire Pendergrast, Amy Thierry, and Marc A. Garcia
Consistent SNAP Participation Increases Preventative Health Care Visits for Infants
Colleen Heflin, Irma A. Arteaga, and Julia Stafford
The U.S. Should Expand Access to Dental Care for Older Adults
Madonna Harrington Meyer, Sarah Reilly, and Julia M. Finan
Older Adults are More Likely to Avoid COVID-19 Information
Julia Nolte and Corinna E. Löckenhoff
How Are Parental and Sibling Military Service Related to Adolescent Depression and Mental Health Service Use?
Andrew London
The U.S. Must Invest More in the Child Care Subsidy Program
Taryn Morrissey, Colleen Heflin, and William Clay Fannin
The U.S. Child Care Subsidy Program is Underused by Well-Positioned to Promote Racial Equity
Taryn Morrissey, Colleen Heflin, and William Clay Fannin
Older Adult Vaccination Rates Lag in Rural areas and the South
Claire Pendergrast and Yue Sun
Why are COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Lower in Rural than in Urban areas in the U.S.?
Shannon M. Monnat and Yue Sun
Elder Mistreatment is Pervasive in New York State
Karl Pillemer and David Burnes
Strengthening SNAP and TANF is Essential to Support Children in Early Childhood
Colleen Heflin, Michah W. Rothbart, and Mattie Mackenzie-Liu
Proper Medication Adherence is a Challenge for Older SNAP Participants with Chronic Health Conditions
Colleen Heflin, Chinedum O. Ojinnaka, Irma Arteaga, and Lauryn Quick
Food Insecurity among Military and Veteran Families
Colleen Heflin
Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Educational Attainment Among Adults with Intellectual Disability
Erin Bisesti
Introducing the Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Age-at Death Tracker
Scott D. Landes, Nader Mehri, and Janet M. Wilmoth
New York State’s Counties Have Different Trends in Population Aging
Nader Mehri
More Uncertainty Leads to Less Accuracy on Death Certificates for Adults with Intellectual Disability
Erin Bisesti and Scott D. Landes
Unmet Needs are Associated with Increased Stress and Poor Physical and Mental Health in Early Adulthood
Collen Heflin, Katie Green, Ying Huang, and Asiya Validova
Expanding Public Insurance Eligibility Increases Substance Use Treatment Provider Acceptance of Public Insurance and Increases Access to Treatment
Sarah Hamersma and Johanna Catherine Maclean
Allowing Cities to Raise Minimum Wage Could Prevent Hundreds of Infant Deaths Annually
Douglas A. Wolf, Shannon M. Monnat, and Jennifer Karas Montez
COVID-19 Risk for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Varies by Type of Residential Setting
Ashlyn W.W.A. Wong and Scott D. Landes
Progress in Closing the Age-at-Death Disparity for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Scott D. Landes
Less Worthy Lives? We Must Prioritize People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation
Scott D. Landes, Margaret A. Turk, Katherine E. McDonald, and Maya Sabatello
COVID-19 Reduced Outpatient Visits by up to 70% in the US
Pinka Chatterji and Yue Li
There are Large Disparities between U.S. States in Cardiovascular Mortality among Adults aged 55 and Older
Nader Mehri
The U.S. Rural Mortality Penalty is Wide and Growing
Shannon M. Monnat
Physical Health Impacts of Grandparenting Children with Disabilities
Ynesse Abdul Malak and Madonna Harrington Meyer
Child Injuries and the Timing of SNAP Benefits Receipt
Colleen Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Jean Felix Ndashimye, and Matthew P. Rabbitt
COVID-19 Trends Among Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Living in Residential Group Homes in New York State through July 10, 2020
Scott D. Landes, Margaret A. Turk, Margaret K. Formica, and Katherine E. McDonald
Rural COVID-19 Mortality Rates are Highest in Counties with the Largest Percentages of Blacks and Hispanics
Kent Jason G. Cheng, Yue Sun, and Shannon Monnat
Many Older Americans Do Not Receive the Recommended Home Health Care After Hospitalization
Jun Li, Mingyu Qi and Rachel M. Werner