The Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America


The Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD) is an interdisciplinary group of scientists at the forefront of research on the social determinants of US population health and health disparities. It is funded by the NIH National Institute on Aging (R24AG045061).

NLCHDD activities are aimed at significantly improving scientific understanding of trends and disparities in US population health across the life course and in geographic context. It offers pilot grants to facilitate innovative research, provides training opportunities, and develops and disseminates data and analytic resources.

The NLCHDD is directed by investigators at four sites:

  • Syracuse University (PI Jennifer Karas Montez; Co-I Shannon Monnat) SU is the administrative site for the Network.
  • University of Michigan (PI Sarah Burgard)
  • University of Southern California (PI Jennifer Ailshire; Co-I Julie Zissimopolous)
  • University of North Carolina (PI Robert Hummer; Co-I Barbara Entwisle)


The NLCHDD was launched in 2014 by James House (University of Michigan), Eileen Crimmins (University of Southern California), Mark Hayward (University of Texas at Austin), and Robert Hummer (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), with funding from the NIH National Institute on Aging (R24AG045061).

To access the NLCHDD main website, click here