The Center for Aging and Policy Studies (CAPS) is a three-university consortium in Upstate New York with Syracuse University, Cornell University, and University at Albany. An NIA Demography and Economics of Aging (D&E) Center, CAPS is a catalyst for innovative, high impact, policy-relevant research.
Research at CAPS addresses some of today’s most pressing issues facing midlife and older adults and the families that care for them, with a focus on the policies and places that shape those issues. Our research is organized around two signature and three cross-cutting research themes that address those increasingly pressing issues and align with NIA priority areas. The two signature themes of CAPS are health and well-being and family and intergenerational supports; the three cross-cutting themes are the role of policy, importance of place, and circumstances of specific populations. CAPS affiliates have particularly deep expertise on the health of persons with disabilities and rural and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations.
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Featured Publication

Adriana M. Reyes & Sarah E. Patterson. 2025. “Dynamics of Family Exchanges: How Life Course Transfers Influence Support From Adult Children.” Research on Aging (online ahead of print)
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Lerner Center/CAPS Briefs
Disability Measures Used in U.S. Federal Surveys Significantly Underreport Disability Status
Nastassia Vaitsiakhovich, Scott D. Landes, Jean P. Hall, and Bonnielin K. Swenor
Increased Suicidality Risk among Adolescents with an Active-Duty Sibling or Parent in the United States
Andrew S. London and Kevin M. Antshel
Behavioral Science-Based “Nudges” Could Increase Physical Activity among Adolescents with ADHD
Hannah Patnaik, Andrew S. London, and Kevin M. Antshel
Hospital Travel Times are Too Long in Rural Puerto Rico
Catherine Garcia
What Factors Contribute to Racial Disparities in Asthma Prevalence in the United States?
Ali Jones and Marc A. Garcia