CAPS/ASI Data Resources

State Policy & Politics Database (SPPD)
The State Policy & Politics Database (SPPD) is a compilation of annual data on state policies and politics that are particularly relevant for population health. The SPPD includes several categories of policies, including labor and economic policies (e.g., minimum wage levels, right to work laws), social safety net policies (e.g., earned income tax credits, SNAP), behavior-related policies (e.g., tobacco taxes, opioid prescribing), as well as the political ideology of the states’ government and citizens. Most measures are available annually from 1980 to 2023 or 2024.

If you use the SPPD, please cite it and acknowledge support.

How to cite it:
State Policy & Politics Database. 2025. Version 1.3. Center for Aging and Policy Studies.

How to acknowledge support:
“This work acknowledges support from infrastructure (Center for Aging and Policy Studies P30AG66583) and research (R01AG05548, R01AG082699) grants from the National Institute on Aging.” If the published paper is peer-reviewed, please also submit it to PubMed Central. Click here for instructions: How to Obtain a PMCID

State Policy & Politics Database (SPPD)

N.Y. State Population Aging Trends
The population in New York state was around 19.4 million in 2010, of which approximately 3.7 million people (19%) were aged 60 or over. Although the state’s population has remained relatively constant over the last decade, the 60+ population has increased to more than 4.5 million. In 2019, 23.4% of the state’s population was aged 60 or older. The percentage of the population that is 60+ has been increasing in each of the 62 counties in the state. However, there are large differences across New York counties in the percentage of the population that is 60+. More information, including county- level data, can be found in the following excel spreadsheet:

NY Counties 2010-2019

Longitudinal Study of Generations
The Longitudinal Study of Generations (LSOG), initiated in 1971, began as a survey of intergenerational relations among 300 three-generation California families with grandparents (then in their sixties), middle-aged parents (then in their early forties), and grandchildren (then aged 15 to 26). The study broadened in 1991 and now includes a fourth generation, the great-grandchildren of these families. Merril Silverstein is the PI of the LSOG, which receives funding from the Templeton Foundation.

LSOG data via the NACDA website

U.S. State Contextual Data Resource
This resource contains links to datasets with information about U.S. states, such as their policies, economic conditions, demographic characteristics and more. The resource was created with support from the NIA-funded Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities (R24AG045061).