The Syracuse University Aging Studies Institute held a conference on “Social Support and Service Provision to Older Adults: Marjorie Cantor’s Legacy to Gerontology” in New York City in January. The event recognized the pioneering scholarship of the late Professor Marjorie Cantor that advanced understanding of the lifestyles of older persons, the importance of caregiver support systems, and needs of elders across class and culture.
The event featured a full-day agenda of aging-related topics and speakers with expertise in those areas, including faculty from the Falk College and Maxwell School and other invited experts. Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services William Corr was the featured speaker. During his address titled “A New Day for Older Americans: Addressing the Needs of Our Aging Population,” he discussed the promise of the Affordable Care Act to meet longstanding needs for our aging population, particularly caregiving and health care disparities among minorities. While the ACA has received plenty of political feedback, Corr said the federal agencies particularly welcome input from scholars that can help expand the health policy community’s knowledge base.
Click here for more information on the keynote speaker, William Corr.