
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
Diminished Health, Non-Metropolitan Residence, and Premature Institutionalization: Evidence from the Longitudinal Study on Aging. Articles Angel, J., De Jong, G., Cornwell, G, and Wilmoth, J. January 1, 1995 National Journal of Sociology 9: 31-57.
Changes in the Living Arrangements of Older Women: An International Study. Articles Wolf, D. January 1, 1995 The Gerontologist 35: 724-731. PubMed Central ID: PMC 8557200.
Living Arrangements. Book Chapters Wolf, D. January 1, 1995 Pp. 567-569 in G. Maddox (ed.), Encyclopedia of Aging, Second Edition. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Revised and updated version appears as pp. 609-611 in G. Maddox (ed.), Encyclopedia of Aging, Third Edition, Volume 1. (New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, 2001).
Informal Caregivers of Institutionalized Dementia Residents: Predictors of Burden. Articles Monahan, D.J. January 1, 1995 Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 23 (3/4): 65-82.
Direct Services for Family Caregivers: Next Steps for Public Policy. Book Chapters Greene, V.L. and Coleman, P. October 9, 1994 in R.A. Kane and J.D. Penrod (eds.), Family Caregiving in an Aging Society: What Role for Public Policy? Sage Publications, 1994.
Economic Security and Intergenerational Justice: A Look at North America. Books May 16, 1994 Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press.
Introduction (Chapter 1). Book Chapters Greene, V.L., Marmor, T., Smeeding, T. & Chassin, D. May 15, 1994 In Theodore R. Marmor, Timothy M. Smeeding, and Vernon L. Greene (eds.), Economic Security and Intergenerational Justice: A Look at North America. Washington, DC.: Urban Institute Press.
The Lifetime Risk of Coresidence with an Elderly Parent. Articles Wolf, D. January 1, 1994 Pp. 149-159 in United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Ageing and the Family (ST/ESA/SER.R/124).
Married Women’s Allocation of Time to Employment and Care of Elderly Parents. Articles Wolf, D., and Soldo, B. January 1, 1994 Journal of Human Resources 29: 1259-1276.
Personality and Coping Among Caregivers of Spouses with Dementia. Articles Hooker, K., Frazier, L. and Monahan, D.J. January 1, 1994 The Gerontologist, 34, 3: 386-392.
The Elderly and Their Kin: Patterns of Availability and Access. Book Chapters Wolf, D. January 1, 1994 Pp. 146-194 in L. Martin and S. Preston (eds.), The Demography of Aging. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press.
Gender, Race and the Distribution of Social Assistance: Medicaid Use Among the Frail Elderly. Articles Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 1994 Gender and Society, 8(1): 8-28.
Caregiver Support Groups: Efficacy Issues for Educators. Articles Monahan, D.J. January 1, 1994 Educational Gerontology, 20: 699-714.
Institutional Bias and Medicaid Use in Nursing Homes. Articles Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 1994 Journal of Aging Studies, 8(2): 179-193.
The Impact of Family Status on Income Security and Health Care in Old Age: A Comparison of Western Nations. Articles Harrington Meyer, M., Street, D. and Quadagno, J. January 1, 1994 International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 14(1/2): 54-85.
Age Patterns of Mortality and Cause of Death Structures in Sweden, Japan, and the United States. Articles Himes, C.L. January 1, 1994 Demography 31: 633-650.
Testing the Boundaries of Universality: What’s Mean? What’s Not? Articles Kingson, E.R. January 1, 1994 The Gerontologist.
A Relational Model of Mortality at Older Ages in Low Mortality Countries. Articles Himes, C.L., Preston, S.H., and Condran, G.A. January 1, 1994 Population Studies 48: 269-292.
Differences in the Use of Health Services by Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Elderly. Articles Himes, C.L. and Rutrough, T.S. January 1, 1994 Journal of Rural Health 10: 80-88.
Parental Caregiving by Adult Women: A Demographic Perspective. Articles Himes, C.L. January 1, 1994 Research on Aging 16: 191-211.