
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
Understanding the Coming Debate Over the Privatization of Social Security. Articles Kingson, E.R. and Williamson, J.B. January 1, 1998 Journal of Sociology and Social Work.
Glucose Effects on Learning and Memory Across the Lifespan. Articles Korol, D.L. and Gold, P.E. January 1, 1998 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67, 764S-771S.
New Methods for Modeling and Calculating Active Life Expectancy. Articles Laditka, S., and Wolf, D. January 1, 1998 Journal of Aging and Health 10: 214-241.
Living Arrangement Transitions Among America’s Older Adults. Articles Wilmoth, J. January 1, 1998 The Gerontologist 38: 434-444.
The Division of Family Labor: Care for Elderly Parents. Articles Wolf, D., Freedman, V, and Soldo, B. January 1, 1997 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 52: 102-109. PubMed Central ID: PMC 9215362.
Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Living Arrangements Among America’s White, Hispanic, and Asian Elderly Population. Articles Wilmoth, J., De Jong, G. and Himes, C. January 1, 1997 International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 17: 57-82.
An Inter-Generational Study on the Situation of Elderly in Rural Saurashtra. Articles Bhigradia, P., and Ramadoss, K. January 1, 1997 Indian Journal of Gerontology, 11, 78-84.
Implications of Intergenerational Programs for Public Policy. Book Chapters Calhoun, G., Kingson, E.R and Newman, S.M. January 1, 1997 In S.M. Newman, C.R. Ward, T.B. Smith, J.O. Wilson & J.M. McCrae with G. Calhoun & E.R. Kingson (1997). Intergenerational programs: Past, present and future. Washington, D.C.: Taylor & Francis.
Selection of Children to Provide Care: The Effect of Earlier Parental Transfers. Articles Henretta, J., Hill, M., Li, W., Soldo, B. and Wolf, D. January 1, 1997 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 52: 110-119. PubMed Central ID: PMC 9215363.
Introduction. Books Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 1997 Pp. 1-4 in Madonna Harrington Meyer (ed.), Care Work: Gender, Labor and the Welfare State. New York: Routledge Press.
Social Security in the 21st Century. Books January 1, 1997 New York: Oxford University Press.
Public Policy: Trends and Challenges. Book Chapters Calhoun, G., Kingson, E.R. and Newman, S.M. January 1, 1997 In S.M. Newman, C.R. Ward, T.B. Smith, J.O. Wilson & J.M. McCrae with G. Calhoun & E.R. Kingson, Intergenerational programs: Past, present and future. Washington, D.C..: Taylor & Francis.
Toward a Structural Life Course Agenda for Reducing Insecurity Among Women as They Age. Articles Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 1997 The Gerontologist, 37(6): 833-834.
Should Social Security be Means-Tested? Book Chapters Kingson, E.R. and Schulz, J.H. January 1, 1997 In E.R. Kingson and J.H. Schulz (eds.), Social Security in the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
Redefining Attorney-Client Roles: Unbundling and Moderate-Income Elderly Clients. Articles McNeal, M.H. January 1, 1997 32 Wake Forest L. Rev. 295 (1997).
The Politics of Reproductive Benefits: U.S. Insurance Coverage of Contraceptive and Infertility Treatments. Articles and Book Chapters King, L. and Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 1997 Gender and Society, 11(1): 8-30. Reprinted in Cheryl Albers (ed.), Family Sociology, Pine Forge Press, 2000.
Age-related Differences in an Ecologically Based Study of Route Learning. Articles Wilkniss, S.M., Jones, M.G., Korol, D.L., Gold, P.E. and Manning, C.A. January 1, 1997 Psychology and Aging, 12, 372-375.
Visuospatial Recall in Cortical and Subcortical Dementias. Articles Wilkniss, S.M., Jones, M.G., Korol, D.L., and Manning, C.A. January 1, 1997 Brain and Cognition 35, 356-359.
What Types of Jobs Do People with Disabilities Want? Book Chapters Ali, M., Schur, L. and Blanck, P. January 1, 1997 In T. Owens and E. Pavalko (ed.), The Life Course: A Handbook of Syllabi and Instructional Material. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.
The Influence of Caregiving and Employment on the Voluntary Activities of Midlife and Older Women. Articles Farkas, J.I. and Himes, C.L. January 1, 1997 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 52B: S180-S189.