
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
The Effects of Residential Mobility on ADL and IADL Limitations Among the Very Old Living in the Community. Articles Chen, P.C. and Wilmoth, J. January 1, 2004 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 59:S164-S172.
Obesity in Later Life: An Overview of the Issues. Articles Himes, C.L. January 1, 2004 Research on Aging 26: 3-12.
Adult Age and Digit-Symbol Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Articles Hoyer, W. J., Stawski, R., Wasylyshyn, C., and Verhaeghen, P. January 1, 2004 Psychology and Aging, 19, 211-214.
Economic and Political Perspectives on Old Age Policies. Articles Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2004 The Gerontologist, 44: 572-577.
Social Integration of Older Immigrants in the 21st Century. Policy Briefs Wilmoth, J. January 1, 2004 Syracuse University, Center for Policy Research, Policy Brief, No. 29/2004.
Valuing Informal Elder Care. Book Chapters Wolf, D. January 1, 2004 Pp. 110-129 in M. Bittman and N. Folbre (eds.), Family Time: The Social Organization of Care. New York: Routledge.
Chapter 5: Sociodemographic Aspects. Book Chapters Wilmoth, J. January 1, 2004 In Cheong, J.A., Blank, K., Kirwin, P.D., Lantz, M.S., Lyness, J.M., Steffens, D.C., Van Gerpen, M.W. (eds), Geriatric Psychiatry Self-Assessment Program. 2nd ed. Bethesda, MD: American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
Caregiver Stress and Noncaregiver Stress: Exploring the Pathways of Psychiatric Morbidity. Articles Amirkhanyan, A. and Wolf, D. January 1, 2003 The Gerontologist 43: 817-827. PubMed Central ID: PMC 14704381.
Parental Housing Assistance and Parent-Child Proximity in Italy. Articles Tomassini, C., Wolf, D. and Rosina, A. January 1, 2003 Journal of Marriage and the Family 65: 700-715.
Second Childhood: What Child Protection Systems Can Teach Elder Protection Systems. Articles Kohn, N. January 1, 2003 14 Stanford Law and Policy Review 175.
Place Characteristics and Residential Location Decisions Among the Retirement-Age Population. Articles Duncombe, W., M. Robbins, and D. Wolf January 1, 2003 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 58B: S244-S252. PubMed Central ID: PMC 12878658.
Immigrant Status, Living Arrangements, and Depressive Symptoms Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Articles Wilmoth, J. and Chen, P.C. January 1, 2003 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 53: S303-S315.
Relationship of Self-Reported and Observed Performance of Daily Tasks Among Older Adults. Articles Baldwin, S.I., Wolf, D. and Ploutz-Snyder, L.L. January 1, 2003 (abstract). Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 35 (Supplement): S130.
Linking Social Gerontology with Quantitative and Critical Thinking Skills. Articles Himes, C.L. and Caffrey, C. January 1, 2003 Teaching Sociology 31: 85-94.
Social Relationships and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults in Southern Brazil. Articles Ramos, M. and Wilmoth, J. January 1, 2003 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 58: S253-S261.
Calibrating the Impact of the ADA’s Employment Provisions. Articles Blanck, P., Schur, L., Kruse, D., Schwochau, S. and Song, C. January 1, 2003 Stanford Law & Policy Review, 14(2), 267-90.
Reasons for Job Change and the Disposition of Pre-Retirement Lump-Sum Pension Distributions. Articles Engelhardt, G.V. January 1, 2003 Economics Letters 81:3 (December) 2003: 333-339.
Enhancing Cognitive Functions Across the Life Span. Book Chapters Korol, D.L. January 2, 2002 Pp 167-179. in D. Harman (ed), Increasing the Healthy Life Span: Conventional Measures and Slowing the Innate Aging Process. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (959).
Carework: Invisible Civic Engagement. Articles and Book Chapters Herd, P. and Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 2002 Gender & Society, 16(5): 665-688. Reprinted in Mary Zimmerman, Jackie Litt, and Chris Bose (eds), Global Dimensions of Gender and Care Work. Stanford University Press, 2006..
Patterns of Active Life Among Older Women: Differences Within and Between Groups. Articles and Book Chapters Wolf, D., Laditka, S. and Laditka, J. January 1, 2002 Journal of Women and Aging 14: 9-26. PubMed Central ID: PMC 12537277. Also, pp. 9-26 in S. Laditka (ed.), Health Expectations for Older Women: International Perspectives. Haworth Press.