
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
Social Security Personal-Account Participation with Government Matching. Articles Engelhardt, G.V. and Kumar, A. January 1, 2005 Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 4:2 (July) 2005: 155-179.
In Search of Retirement Security: The Changing Mix of Social Insurance, Employee Benefits, and Individual Responsibility. Books Palmer, J., Ghilarducci, T., Dorn Ooms, V. and Hill, C. January 1, 2005 The Century Foundation Press.
Social Security and Elderly Living Arrangements: Evidence from the Social Security Notch. Articles Engelhardt, G.V., Gruber, J. and Perry, C.D. January 1, 2005 Journal of Human Resources 40:2 (Spring) 2005: 354-372.
Lessons from Joan – Living and Loving with Cancer: A Husband’s Story. Books Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2005 Syracuse, N.Y. Syracuse University Press.
Understanding The Diabetic Body-Self Articles Jennifer Karas Montez and Tracy X. Karner January 1, 2005 Qualitative Health Research 15(8):1086-1104.
Perspectives on the Recent Decline in Disability at Older Ages. Articles Wolf, D., Hunt, K. and Knickman, J. January 1, 2005 The Milbank Quarterly 83: 365-395. PubMed Central ID: PMC 16201997.
Elderly Hispanics and the 2005 White House Conference on Aging Articles Alejandro Garcia January 1, 2005 News of the National Hispanic Council on Aging
Reconsidering Substitution in Long Term Care: When does Assistive Technology Take the Place of Personal Care? Articles Agree, E., Freedman, V., Cornman, J., Wolf, D. and Marcotte, J. January 1, 2005 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 60B: S272-280. PubMed Central ID: PMC 16131628.
Our ‘Increasingly Mobile Society?’ The Curious Persistence of a False Belief. Articles Wolf, D. and Longino, C. January 1, 2005 The Gerontologist 45: 5-11. PubMed Central ID: PMC 15695413.
Old and Overweight: Another Kind of Double Jeopardy? Articles Napier, E., Harrington Meyer, M. and Himes, C.L. January 1, 2005 Generations. Fall: (3):31-36.
Linking Benefits to Marital Status: Race and Diminishing Access to Social Security Spouse and Widow Benefits. Articles and Book Chapters Harrington Meyer, M, Wolf, D.A. and Himes, C.L. January 1, 2005 Feminist Economics. 11(2):145-162. Reprinted in N. Folbre, L. Shaw, and A. Stark (eds.), Warm Hands in Cold Age: Gender and Aging (London: Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2007).
Overweight Over the Life Course. Articles Napier, E., Harrington Meyer, M., and Himes, C.L. January 1, 2005 Generations 29: 31-36.
Decreasing Welfare, Increasing Old Age Inequality: Whose Responsibility is it? Book Chapters Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 2005 Pp. 65-89 in The New Politics of Old Age Policy. Robert Hudson, Editor. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Selling Social Security Reform: A Story of Framing and Reform. Book Chapters Herd, P. and Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2005 In R. Hudson (ed.), Aged Based Public Policy in the 21st Century. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Health Status in Later Life. Articles Himes, C.L. January 1, 2005 Public Policy and Aging Report 15(3).
Distributional Effects of Defined Contribution Plans and Individual Retirement Arrangements. Articles Burman, L., Gale, W., Hall, M. and Orszag, P. September 4, 2004 National Tax Journal, September 2004.
There is Nothing that Promotes Longevity like a Pension: Disability Policy and Mortality of Civil War Union Army Veterans. Articles Logue, L. and Blanck, P. January 1, 2004 Wake Forest Law Review, Volume 39(1), 49-64.
The Effects of Residential Mobility on ADL and IADL Limitations Among the Very Old Living in the Community. Articles Chen, P.C. and Wilmoth, J. January 1, 2004 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 59:S164-S172.
Obesity in Later Life: An Overview of the Issues. Articles Himes, C.L. January 1, 2004 Research on Aging 26: 3-12.
Adult Age and Digit-Symbol Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Articles Hoyer, W. J., Stawski, R., Wasylyshyn, C., and Verhaeghen, P. January 1, 2004 Psychology and Aging, 19, 211-214.