
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
The Evolution of Social Security Disabled Widow(er)’s Benefits. Articles Kingson, E.R., Calhoun, G., Morse, M. and Brown, M. January 1, 2007 Journal of Aging and Public Policy, 19(1): 39-60.
Preserving Voting Rights in Long-Term Care Institutions: Facilitating Resident Voting While Maintaining Election Integrity. Articles Kohn, N. January 1, 2007 38 McGeorge Law Review 1065.
Demography of Aging. Articles Longino, C. and Wilmoth, J. January 1, 2007 Pp. 67-71. Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell Publishing.
Measuring Pension Wealth. Book Chapters Engelhardt, G.V., Kumar, A. and Cunningham, C.R. January 1, 2007 Pp. 211-233 in Brigitte Madrian, Olivia Mitchell, and Beth Soldo (eds.), Redefining Retirement: How Will Boomers Fare? Oxford University Press.
Effects of Inter-Item Similarity on Strategy Transitions During Cognitive Skill Learning in Younger and Older Adults. Articles White, A. S., Cerella, J., and Hoyer, W. J. January 1, 2007 Memory and Cognition, 35, 2106–2117.
The Fountain of Gerontological Discover. Book Chapters Wilmoth, J. and Ferraro, K. January 1, 2007 Pp. 3-12 in J. Wilmoth and K. Ferraro (eds.) Gerontology: Perspectives and Issues, 3rd Edition. New York: Springer Publishing.
Demographic Perspectives on Aging. Book Chapters Wilmoth, J. and Longino, C. January 1, 2007 Pp. 35-56 in J. Wilmoth and K. Ferraro (eds.) Gerontology: Perspectives and Issues, 3rd Edition. New York: Springer Publishing.
Diaphragmatic proteasome function is maintained in the ageing Fisher 344 rat Articles Kavazis A.N., K.C. DeRuisseau*, J.M. McClung, M.A. Whidden, D.J. Falk, A.J. Smuder, T. Sugiura, and S.K. Powers January 1, 2007 Exp Physiol. 92(5):895-901, 2007
Rapid Forgetting of Social Transmission of Food Preferences in Aged Rats: Relationship to Hippocampal CREB Activation. Articles Gold, P.E. and Countryman, R.A. January 1, 2007 Learning and Memory, 14, 350-358.
Modulation of Learning and Memory by Adrenal and Ovarian Hormones. Book Chapters Gold, P.E. and Korol, D.L. January 1, 2007 Pp. 243-268 in R.P. Kesner and J.L. Martinez (eds.), Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Elsevier Science, NY.
KinNET: A Demonstration Project for a National Support Network of Kinship Care Providers. Articles Smith, C.J. and Monahan, D.J. January 1, 2007 Journal of Health and Social Policy, 22, 3, 215-231.
Demographic Trends Contributing to Structural Lag and Policy Stagnation. Articles Wilmoth, J. and Longino, C. January 1, 2007 Public Policy and Aging Report, 17 (3): 1,3-6.
Changing Marital Rates and Stagnant Social Security Policy. Articles Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 2007 Public Policy and Aging Report. 17(3) Summer: 11-14. Washington DC: National Academy on an Aging Society.
Cohort Differences in Adult Obesity in the U.S.: 1982-1996. Articles Reynolds, S.L. and Himes, C.L. January 1, 2007 Journal of Aging and Health 19: 831-850.
Emerging Issues for Older Couples: Protection of Income, Right to Intimacy, and End-of-Life Decisions. Articles Harrington Meyer, M. and Roseamelia, C. January 1, 2007 Generations xxxi(3): 66-71.
Gender and Race Differences in the Impact of Obesity on Work and Economic Security in Later Life in the U.S. Articles Himes, C.L. and Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 2007 Hallymn International Journal of Aging.
Perspectives on the Economic Implications of the Aging of Baby Boomers. Book Chapters Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2007 In K. Warner Schaie and Peter Uhlenberg (eds.), Social Structures: The Impact of Demographic Changes on the Well-Being of Older Persons. New York, N.Y.: Springer Publishing Company).
Changing Economic Incentives in Long-Term Care Policy Briefs R, Tamara Konetzka November 1, 2006 Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University
Social Lives in Later Life. Book Chapters Himes, C.L. and Fang, Y. January 1, 2006 In Kenneth Ferraro and Janet Wilmoth (eds), Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. New York: Springer.
Declining Eligibility for Social Security Spouse and Widow Benefits in the United States? Articles Harrington Meyer, M., Himes, C.L. and Wolf, D. January 1, 2006 Research on Aging 28:240-260. Quoted in Washington Post, “Social Insecurity” by Richard Morin. September 22, 2006, page A-2.