
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
Are Age 62/63 Retired Worker Beneficiaries at Risk? Other Kingson, E.R. and Brown, M.T. January 1, 2009 Center for Retirement Research, Boston College.
Do experienced hearing aid users know how to correctly use their hearing aids? Articles Desjardins, J. L. & Doherty, K. A. January 1, 2009 American Journal of Audiology, 8, 1 – 8
Time for an All Generations Approach to Public Policy. Articles Cornman, J.R., Kingson, E.R. and Butts, D.M. January 1, 2009 Generations, Vol. 33, No. 3, 86-88.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities and its Implications for the Rights of Elderly People Under International Law Articles Kanter, Arlene January 1, 2009 25 GA. ST. U. L. REV. 527
Do we want to measure the quality of care for vulnerable older people? The ACOVE approach Policy Briefs Neil S. Wenger November 1, 2008 Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University
Using Taxes to Reform Health Insurance: Pitfalls and Promises. Books Burman, L. and Aaron, H. October 3, 2008 Brookings Institution Press, 2008.
Role of Respiratory System Impedance in the Difference of Ventilatory Control Between Children and Adults. Articles Keslacy, S., Carra, J. and Ramonatxo, M. February 26, 2008 Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008 May 31;161 (3): 239-45. Epub 2008 Feb 26.
Cognitive Impairment and the Right to Vote: Rethinking the Meaning of Accessible Elections. Articles Kohn, N. January 1, 2008 1 Canadian Elder Law Journal 28.
Rules and More Rules: The Effects of Multiple Tasks, Extensive Training, and Aging on Task-Switching Performance. Articles Buchler, N. E. G., Cerella, J., and Hoyer, W. J. January 1, 2008 Memory and Cognition, 36, 735-748.
“Military Service” and “G.I. Bill.” Book Chapters London, A.S. and Wilmoth, J.M. January 1, 2008 In Deborah Carr, Robert Crosnoe, Mary Elizabeth Hughes, and Amy Pienta (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale.
Memory Enhancing Drugs. Book Chapters Gold, P.E. January 1, 2008 Pp 555-576 in H. Eichenbaum (ed.), Memory Systems. Elsevier Science, Oxford. Pp 605- 626 in J. Byrne (ed.), Concise Learning and Memory: the Editor’s Selection Elsevier Science, Oxford (2009).
Visual Impairment and Blindness. Articles Asch, A. and Mudrick, N.R. January 1, 2008 Encyclopedia of Social Work, 20th edition, Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
Age-related Changes in Memory and in Acetylcholine Functions in the Hippocampus in the Ts65Dn Mouse, a Model of Down Syndrome. Articles Chang, Q. and Gold, P.E. January 1, 2008 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 89, 167-177.
Adult Obesity. Book Chapters Himes, C.L. January 1, 2008 In D. Carr (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development. Detroit, MI: Gale Research.
Country of Birth and Language are Uniquely Associated with Intakes of Fat, Fiber, and Fruits and Vegetables Among Mexican-American Women in the United States Articles Jennifer Karas Montez and Karl Eschbach January 1, 2008 Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108(3):473-480.
Age Structure. Book Chapters Himes, C.L. January 1, 2008 In D. Carr (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development. Detroit, MI: Gale Research.
Plantaris muscle of aged rats demonstrates iron accumulation and altered expression of iron regulation proteins Articles Jung S.H., L.R. DeRuisseau, A.N. Kavazis, and K.C. DeRuisseau January 1, 2008 Exp Physiol. 93(3):407-14, 2008
Health Insurance Coverage as People Approach and Pass Age-Eligibility for Medicare. Articles Caffrey, C. and Himes, C.L. January 1, 2008 Journal of Aging and Social Policy 20: 29-44.
Housing Capital-Gains Taxation and Homeowner Mobility: Evidence from the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. Articles Engelhardt, G.V., Cunningham, C.R. January 1, 2008 Journal of Urban Economics 63:3 (May) 2008: 803-815
Changes in Nursing Home Care, 1996-2005: New York State. Articles Dennison, T. January 1, 2008 Medicaid Institute at United Hospital Fund.