
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
Framing Social Security for the 21st Century. Book Chapters Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2011 In Kirstin Downey and Chris Breiseth (eds.), A Promise to All Generations: Stories and Essay About Social Security and Frances Perkins. Frances Perkins Center: Newcastle, Maine.
Fertility History, Health and Health Trajectories in Later Life: A Study of Older Women and Men in the British Household Panel Survey. Articles Read, S., Grundy, E. and Wolf, D.A. January 1, 2011 Population Studies 65: 201-215. PubMed Central ID: PMC 21614727.
Life Course Perspectives on Military Service. Books January 1, 2011 New York, NY: Routledge.
Social Infrastructure: Sense of Community, Social Compact, and Social Capital. Book Chapters Kingson, E.R. and LeClair, D. January 1, 2011 In Vera Prosper (ed), Livable New York: Sustainable Communities for All Ages. New York, N.Y.: New York State Office for the Aging.
The Social Security Retirement Age(s) Debate: Perspectives and Consequences. Articles E.R. Kingson and N.J. Altman January 1, 2011 Public Policy & Aging Report, "To Raise or Not To Raise: The Social Security Retirement Age" (Volume 21, Number 2), p. 1-7.
Validation of New Measures of Disability and Functioning in the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Articles Freedman, V.A., Kasper, J.D., Cornman, J.C., Agree, E.M., Bandeen-Roche, K., Mor, V., Spillman, B.C, Wallace, R. and Wolf, D.A. January 1, 2011 Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 66A: 1013-1021. PubMed Central ID: PMC 21715647.
Fiscal Externalities of Becoming a Parent. Articles Wolf, D., Lee, R., Miller, T. Donehower, G. and Genest, A. January 1, 2011 Population and Development Review 37: 241-266. PubMed Central ID: PMC 21760651.
Committees Tackle the Deficit. Books Palmer, J. and Penner, R. January 1, 2011 The Urban Institute Press.
Palliative Care: A Novel Solution to the Healthcare Crisis Policy Briefs R. Sean Morrison November 5, 2010 Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University
Our Granparents, Our Parents, Our Future Selves: Optimizing Function in Old Age Policy Briefs Thomas M. Gill November 1, 2010 Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University
Older Parent-Child Relationships in Six Nations: The Intersection of Affection and Conflict. Articles Silverstein, M., Gans, D., Lowenstein, A., Giarrusso R., and Bengtson, V.L. October 6, 2010 Journal of Marriage and Family, 72, 1006-1021.
Aging and Family Life. Articles Silverstein, M. and Giarrusso, G. October 6, 2010 Journal of Marriage and Family, 72, 1039-1058.
STZ-Induced Skeletal Muscle Atrophy is Associated with Increased p65 Content and Downregulation of Insulin Pathway without NF-κB Canonical Cascade Activation. Articles Kelleher, A.R., Fairchild, T.J. and Keslacy S. July 17, 2010 Acta Diabetol. 2010 Dec; 47 (4): 315-23. Epub 2010 Jul 17.
A Tale of Three Commissions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Articles Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2010 Poverty and Public Policy: Vol. 2: Iss. 3, Article 3. DOI: 10.2202/1944-2858.1120.
Elder Law Teaching and Scholarship: An Empirical Evaluation of an Evolving Field. Articles Kohn, N.A. and Spurgeon, E.D. January 1, 2010 59 Journal of Legal Education 414.
Demographic Change and its Public Sector Consequences. Articles Wolf, D. and Amirkhanyan, A. January 1, 2010 Public Administration Review 70: S12-S23.
Have Recent Budget Policies Contributed to Long-Run Fiscal Stability? Books Palmer, J. and Penner, R. January 1, 2010 The Urban Institute Press.
Hormones and Memory. Book Chapters Gold, P.E. and Korol, D.L. January 1, 2010 Pp 57-64 in G. Koob, M. Le Moal, and Thompson, R.F. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, Volume 2. Academic Press, Oxford.
Impact of Estrogen Receptor Alpha and Beta Agonists on Delayed Alternation in Middle-aged Rats. Articles Neese, S.L., Korol, D.L., Katzenellenbogen, J.A., and Schantz, S.L. January 1, 2010 Hormones and Behavior, 58, 878-890.
Transfer of Instances in Cognitive Skill Learning: Adult Age Differences. Articles D’Eredita, M. A., and Hoyer, W. J. January 1, 2010 Experimental Aging Research, 36, 23-39.