
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
Gender and Public Policy. Articles and Book Chapters Quadagno, J. and Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 1990 Generations, 14(3) (Summer): 64-66. Reprinted in Jon Hendricks and Lou Glasse (eds.), Gender and Aging. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Co., 1991. Reprinted on pp. 134-38 in Eleanor Palo Stoller and Rose Campbell-Gibson (eds.), Worlds of Difference: Inequality and the Aging Experience. Newbury Park, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1994.
Family, Households, and Care Arrangements of Frail Older Women: A Structural Analysis. Articles Soldo, B., Wolf, D., and Agree, E. January 1, 1990 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 45: 238-249. PubMed Central ID: PMC 2229950.
The Dilemma of Poverty Based Long Term Care. Book Chapters Harrington Meyer, M. and Quadagno, J. January 1, 1990 Pp. 255-69 in Sid Stahl (ed.), The Legacy of Longevity. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Kin Availability and the Living Arrangements of Older Unmarried Women: Canada, 1985. Articles Wolf, D., Burch, T. and Matthews, B. January 1, 1990 Canadian Studies in Population 17: 49-70.
Income Support Services for the Elderly. Book Chapters Kingson, E.R. January 1, 1990 In A. Monk (ed.), The Handbook of Gerontological Services. New York: Columbia University Press.
Families in Aging America: Recognizing Diversity in Federal Policy and Programs. Articles Garcia, A. January 1, 1990 The Aging Connection, a publication of the American Society on Aging, February/March 1990.
Social Security and the Economic Well-Being of Elderly Minorities. Book Chapters Garcia, A. January 1, 1990 In Susan Shoenrock, Joan Roberts and Jeff Hyde (eds.), Diversity in Aging America: Challenges for the 90's. San Diego: California State University.
Human Capitalism and Intergenerational Justice. Articles Greene, V.L. October 4, 1989 The Gerontologist 29, 6.
Intergenerational Programs and the Aging Society. Articles Kingson, E.R. January 1, 1989 Journal of Children in Contemporary Society (Spring).
The Balance Between Formal and Informal Care. Book Chapters Soldo, B., Wolf, D., and Agree, E. January 1, 1989 Pp. 193-217 in M. Ory and K. Bond (eds.), Aging and Health Care: Social Science and Policy Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Advocating for Freedom: The Community Placement of Elders From State Psychiatric Hospitals. Articles Kanter, A. and Jones, E. January 1, 1989 1989 Clearinghouse Review 444.
The Effect of a Support and Education Program on Stress and Burden Among Family Caregivers to Frail Elderly Persons. Articles Greene, V.L. and Monahan, D.J. January 1, 1989 The Gerontologist, 29, 4: 472-477.
Organized Labor, State Structures, and Social Policy Development: A Case Study of Old Age Assistance in Ohio, 1916-1940. Articles Quadagno, J. and Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 1989 Social Problems, 36(2) (April): 181-196.
Social Security in the USA: A Discussion Guide to Social Insurance with Lesson Plans. Books Kingson, E.R., Berkowitz, E.D. and Pratt, F. January 1, 1989 Washington, D.C.: Save Our Security Education Fund.
El Envejecimiento de la Generación del Baby Boom en Estados Unidos y la Política de Seguridad Social. Dos Perspectivas. Articles Kingson, E.R. January 1, 1989 Seguridad Social.
Misconceptions Distort Social Security Policy Debate. Articles Kingson, E.R. January 1, 1989 Social Work (July).
Living Arrangements and Family Networks of Older Women in Italy. Articles Wolf, D., and Pinnelli, A. January 1, 1989 Research on Aging 11: 354-373. PubMed Central ID: PMC 2799060. Also published as “Sistemazioni abitative e reti familiari per le donne sole in Italia.” La Ricerca Sociale, no. 45 (1991), pp. 102-121.
What the Baby-Boom Generation Needs to Know about Social Security. Articles Kingson, E.R. January 1, 1989 Generations (Spring).
Demographic Conditions Responsible for Population Aging. Articles Preston, S.H., Himes, C.L. and Eggers, M. January 1, 1989 Demography 26: 691-704.
Fertility and Marital Status Changes over the Life Cycle: A Comparative Study of Finland and Austria. Articles Lutz, W., and Wolf, D. January 1, 1989 Yearbook of Population Research in Finland XXVII: 15-28.