
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
Active Life Expectancy. Book Chapters Himes, C.L. January 1, 2006 In Neil Salkind (eds), Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Entitlement Programs for the Aged: The Long Term Fiscal Context. Articles Palmer, J. January 1, 2006 Research on Aging, Vol. 28, Issue 3, Winter 2006.
Social Lives in Later Life. Book Chapters Himes, C.L. and Fang, Y. January 1, 2006 In Kenneth Ferraro and Janet Wilmoth (eds), Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. New York: Springer.
Declining Eligibility for Social Security Spouse and Widow Benefits in the United States? Articles Harrington Meyer, M., Himes, C.L. and Wolf, D. January 1, 2006 Research on Aging 28:240-260. Quoted in Washington Post, “Social Insecurity” by Richard Morin. September 22, 2006, page A-2.
Demographic Trends That Will Shape U.S. Policy in the 21st Century. Articles Wilmoth, J. and Longino, C. January 1, 2006 Research on Aging. 28(3): 269-288.
Improving Knowledge About Disability Transitions by Adding Retrospective Information to Panel Surveys. Articles Laditka, J. and Wolf, D. January 1, 2006 Population Health Metrics 4:16 (13 December). PubMed Central ID: PMC 17166277.
Changing Demographics, Stagnant Social Policies. Articles Harrington Meyer, M. and Wilmoth, J. January 1, 2006 Research on Aging. 28(3): 265-268.
Elder Empowerment as a Strategy for Curbing the Hidden Abuses of Durable Powers of Attorney. Articles Kohn, N. January 1, 2006 59 Rutgers Law Review 1.
Promoting Decline in Late-Life Disability Prevalence: Comparisons of Three Potentially High-Impact Interventions. Articles Freedman, V.A., Hodgson, N., Lynn, J., Spillman, B.C., Waidmann, T., Wilkinson, A.M. and Wolf, D.A. January 1, 2006 The Milbank Quarterly 84: 493-520. PubMed Central ID: PMC 16953808.
Military Service and (Dis)Continuity in the Life Course: Evidence on Disadvantage and Mortality from the Health and Retirement Study and the Study of Assets and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest-Old. Articles London, A.S. and Wilmoth, J.M. January 1, 2006 Research on Aging 28(1): 135-159.
Social Security and the Evolution of Elderly Poverty. Book Chapters Engelhardt, G.V. and Gruber, J. January 1, 2006 Pp. 259-287 in Alan Auerbach, David Card, and John Quigley, eds. Public Policy and the Distribution of Income. Russell Sage Press.
The Associative-Memory Basis of Cognitive Skill Learning: Adult Age Differences. Articles Cerella, J., Onyper, S. V., and Hoyer, W. J. January 1, 2006 Psychology and Aging, 21, 483-498.
Parent Care and the Stress Process: Findings from Panel Data. Articles Amirkhanyan, A. and Wolf, D. January 1, 2006 Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 61B: S248-S255. PubMed Central ID: PMC 16960238.
Race, Incarceration, and Health: A Life Course Approach. Articles London, A.S. and Myers, N.A. January 1, 2006 Research on Aging 28(3): 409-422.
Guest Editorial: The FAMSUP network and its comparative studies of family support for frail older people. Articles Glaser, K., Wolf, D. and Tomassini, C. January 1, 2006 Aging & Society 26: 689-92.
Prospective Budgeting for Home Care: A Reply to My Critics. Articles Greene, V.L. October 1, 2005 Journal of Aging and Health, 17, 4: 438-442.
Prospective Budgeting for Home Care: Making Titration Work. Articles Greene, V.L. October 1, 2005 Journal of Aging and Health, 17, 4: 399-424.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Spares Brain Tissue in Postmenopausal Women. Articles Erickson, K.I., Colcombe, S.J., Korol, D.L., Scalf, P., Raz, N., Cohen, N.J., Webb, A., and Kramer, A.F. January 4, 2005 Neurobiology of Aging, 26, 1205-1213.
Social Security and Elderly Living Arrangements: Evidence from the Social Security Notch. Articles Engelhardt, G.V., Gruber, J. and Perry, C.D. January 1, 2005 Journal of Human Resources 40:2 (Spring) 2005: 354-372.
Lessons from Joan – Living and Loving with Cancer: A Husband’s Story. Books Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2005 Syracuse, N.Y. Syracuse University Press.