
Aging Studies Publications
Title Type Author(s) Date Source/Publisher
Choosing the Nation’s Fiscal Future. Books Palmer, J. and Penner, R. January 1, 2010 The National Academies Press.
Shifting Risk and Responsibility: The State and Inequality in Old Age. Book Chapters Harrington Meyer, M. January 1, 2010 In Robert Hudson, (eds), The New Politics of Old Age Policy, Second Edition. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Disability and Aging: Historical and Contemporary Views. Book Chapters Blanck, P. January 1, 2010 Pp. 49-70 in R. Wiener (ed.), Disability and Age Discrimination: Perspectives in Law and Psychology. Springer Publishing.
Military Service and Men’s Health Trajectories in Later Life. Articles Wilmoth, J.M., London, A.S. and Parker, W.M. January 1, 2010 Journal of Gerontology-Social Sciences 56(6): 744-755. Designated the 65th Anniversary Celebration Article for this issue by the editors of the journal.
Home Health Care and the Housing and Living Arrangements of the Elderly. Articles Engelhardt, G.V., Greenhalgh-Stanley, N. January 1, 2010 Journal of Urban Economics 67: 2 (March) 2010: 226-238.
Aging and Law – Using a Multi-Dimensional Model to Understand the Legal Response to Aging. Book Chapters Doron, I and Kohn, N.A. January 1, 2010 In Sheying Chen and Jason L. Powell (eds.), Aging in Perspective and the Case of China: Issues and Approaches. New York: Nova Science.
Health Care Under the ADA: A Vision or a Mirage? Articles Mudrick, N.R. and Schwartz, M.A. January 1, 2010 Disability and Health Journal, 3(4): 233-239.
Rethinking the Constitutionality of Age Discrimination: A Challenge to a Decades-Old Consensus. Articles Kohn, N. January 1, 2010 44 U.C. Davis Law Review 1
The Deficit and the Debt. Book Chapters Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2010 Congressional Digest, Vol. 89, No. 2, 47-58.
Social Security and the Deficit. Articles Altman, N.A. and Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2010 American Prospect
The Lawyer’s Role in Fostering an Elder Rights Movement. Articles Kohn, N. January 1, 2010 37 William Mitchell Law Review 49 (Special Issue).
Early Life Characteristics, Psychiatric History, and Cognition Trajectories in Later Life. Articles Brown, M.T. January 1, 2010 The Gerontologist, 50 (5): 646-656.
A Tale of Three Commissions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Articles Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2010 Poverty and Public Policy: Vol. 2: Iss. 3, Article 3. DOI: 10.2202/1944-2858.1120.
Elder Law Teaching and Scholarship: An Empirical Evaluation of an Evolving Field. Articles Kohn, N.A. and Spurgeon, E.D. January 1, 2010 59 Journal of Legal Education 414.
Demographic Change and its Public Sector Consequences. Articles Wolf, D. and Amirkhanyan, A. January 1, 2010 Public Administration Review 70: S12-S23.
Have Recent Budget Policies Contributed to Long-Run Fiscal Stability? Books Palmer, J. and Penner, R. January 1, 2010 The Urban Institute Press.
Hormones and Memory. Book Chapters Gold, P.E. and Korol, D.L. January 1, 2010 Pp 57-64 in G. Koob, M. Le Moal, and Thompson, R.F. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, Volume 2. Academic Press, Oxford.
The Economic Status of Older People of Color in the New Millennium: Implications for Policy. Book Chapters Garcia, A. January 1, 2009 In Stanford, E.P. and Nelson, T.C.(eds.), Diversity and Aging in the 21st Century: Let the Dialogue Begin. Washington, DC: AARP Research Info Center.
The Economic Crisis: How Fare Older Americans? Articles Hicks, J. and Kingson, E.R. January 1, 2009 Generations, Vol. 33, No. 3, 6-11.
Outliving Civil Rights. Articles Kohn, N. January 1, 2009 86 Washington University Law Review 1053.