Tej Bhatia

Emeritus Professor of Linguistics, College of Arts & Sciences

Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute
Director, South Asian Languages
Faculty Fellow, Forensic Sciences and National Security Institute
President, International Association for World Englishes

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Tej Bhatia is a Professor of Linguistics & Cognitive Sciences and Director of South Asian Languages at Syracuse University. He is also a Fellow of the Forensic Sciences and National Security Institute, and is affiliated with the Cognitive Sciences Program, and the International Relations program at the Maxwell School. Dr. Bhatia teaches classes on forensic linguistics, sociolinguistics, and bilingualism. He has published 16 books and numerous articles on bilingualism, multiculturalism, media and advertising, socio-and-psycho-linguistics, and English and South Asian languages. He is the recipient of the Chancellor’s Citation Award for Excellence in Research, and has received grants from the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, Mellon Foundation, The Smithsonian Institution, and the Linguistic Society of America, among others. In 2018, Dr. Bhatia was named the President of the International Association of World Englishes. Currently, he is working on multilingual schizophrenia, and the multilingual brain.