Professor, Economics, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs
Faculty Associate, Aging Studies Institute
Faculty Affiliate, Center for Aging and Policy Studies
CAPS Biography:
My research specialties are in the economics of aging, household saving, pensions, Social Security, taxation, and housing markets. As part of funded projects first through NIA, then through Social Security, my research has focused on the measurement of pension wealth and the impact of Social Security and private pensions on retirement saving and income adequacy. In addition, I have a substantive program on the nexus between housing and health, and cognition, in particular, among older Americans. Given this, my scholarship contributes to the CAPS signature themes of health and well-being, and the cross-cutting themes of policy, place, and specific populations.
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993
B.A. Carleton College, 1987.
Phone: (315) 443-2703
Location: 320F Lyman Hall
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