The Aging Studies Institute’s Center for Aging and Policy Studies has recently awarded funding for three projects to continue the interdisciplinary collaboration and research developed as as result of the Center’s prior P30 funding.
The P30 grant from the National Institute on Aging provided support for building collaborative relationships between ASI and the Cornell Population Center. This year Douglas Wolf, PI of the original P30 funding, and Kelly Musick, director of the Cornell Population Center, were able to provide funding for three proposals for faculty involved in this collaboration. The goal of this initiative is to attract new faculty and to advance the partnership between the two institutions.
Project titles and faculty recipients include:
“Religiosity as a Health-Promoting Resource for Custodial Grandparents,” Merril Silverstein, Ph.D., Syracuse University Professor of Sociology and Human Development & Family Science and Cornell University’s Rachel Dunifon, Ph.D., Department of Policy Analysis and Management.
“Trajectories of Student Disadvantage: Unpacking Free/Reduced Price Lunch Eligibility across Childhood,” Katherine Michelmore, Ph.D., Syracuse University Department of Public Administration and International Affairs and Peter Rich, Ph.D., Cornell University’s Department of Policy Analysis and Management.
“SNAP and Labor Market Decision over the Live Course,” Sara Hamersma, Ph.D., Syracuse University Department of Public Administration and International Affairs and Warren Brown, Ph.D., Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research.
Additional information on the research projects can be found here.