ASI Faculty and Students presented their work at the 2021 Gerontological Society of America Conference virtually, November 10 – 13.
GSA sessions involving Syracuse University faculty and students:
Thursday, November 11
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
Session Title: Discrimination, Stress, and Health Across the Life Course
Stress is a Latent Construct: Exploring the Differential Experiences of Stress Among Black Older Adults
Authors: Lauren Brown, San Diego State University School of Public Health, Catherine Garcia, Syracuse University, Alexis Reeves, University of Michigan, John Pamplin, NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress, and Uchechi A. Mitchell, University of Illinois Chicago, School of Public Health
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
Session Title: Health Disparities in COVID-19: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice
The Devastating Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Older Black and Latinx Adults: Implications for Health and Well-Being
Author: Marc A. Garcia, Syracuse University and Amy D. Thierry, Xavier University of Louisiana
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EST
Session Title: ESPO and Butler-Williams Scientific Symposium: Disrupting Health Disparities and Transforming Care of Older Adults
The Intersection of Race and Ethnicity, Nativity, and Sex on Cognitive Trajectories of Older Adults in the United States
Author: Marc A. Garcia, Syracuse University and Wassim Tarraf, Institute of Gerontology & Department of Healthcare Sciences, Wayne State University
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EST
Session Title: Gender, Family Histories, and Late-Life Economic Well-Being
How Marital Status Shapes Grandparenting Children With Disabilities
Author: Madonna Harrington Meyer, Syracuse University and Ynesse Abdul-Malak, Colgate University
Friday, November 12
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST
Session Title: The Vertical and Horizontal Relations of Korean and Korean American Older Adults and Their Well-Being
Intergenerational Relationships, Social Support, and Psychological Well-Being Among Korean Older Adults
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Yooumi Lee – Syracuse University
(Janet Wilmoth)
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST
Symposium: Social Research, Policy, and Practice
Policy Series/ESPO and Social Research, Policy, and Practice Section Symposium: It’s a Practice, Not and End State: Centering Equity in Gerontological Research and Policy
Author/Co-Chair: Claire Pendergrast, MPH – Syracuse University
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST
Session Title: Family and Intergenerational Relationships I
Early Intergenerational Relationships and Later Support Provided to Older Parents: Time-to-Death as a Contingency
First Author: Merril Silverstein – Syracuse University
(Wencheng Zhang, Douglas Wolf, and Maria Brown)
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
Session Title: Social Determinants of Mental Health
A New and Worrisome Predictor of Attitudes Toward Suicide: Self-Rated Health
First Author: Julene Cooney, MA, MS – Syracuse University
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM EST
Session Title: Family and Intergenerational Relationships II
Does Religiosity in the Transition to Adulthood Predict Filial Norms in Midlife?
First Author: Jeung Hyun Kim, MA – Syracuse University
(Woosang Hwang, Maria T. Brown, and Merril Silverstein)
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM EST
Session Title: Innovations in Gerontology Pedogogy and Practice
Generational Views of Life Challenges and the Aging Process: Influence of Relationship Type, Frequency, Experience
First Author: Mary Pagan
Saturday, November 13
2:00 PM- 3:30 PM EST
Session Title: Leveraging Free Public Use Data for Aging and Life Course Research
Changes in Sociodemographic and Disease Prevalence Among Five Birth Cohorts of Older Latinos
Authors: Catherine Garcia, Syracuse University and Jennifer Ailshire, University of Southern California
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
Session Title: Religion and Spirituality
Paper Session Chair: Joonsik Yoon, MPP – Syracuse University
A Multidimensional Construct of Religiosity Among Baby Boomers and Trajectories of Social Attitudes
First Author: Joonsik Yoon, MPP – Syracuse University
(Woosang Hwang, Maria T. Brown, and Merril Silverstein)
2:00 PM -3:30 PM EST
Session Title: Religion and Spirituality
Religiosity Among Young-Adult Baby Boomers: Associations With Psychological Well-Being Over 45 Years
First Author: Kent Jason G. Cheng, MA – Syracuse University
(Woosang Hwang, Maria T. Brown, and Merril Silverstein)
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM EST
Session Title: Subjective Aging and Health
Intergenerational Ambivalence, Loneliness, and Well-Being Among Older Adults in the United States
First Author: Xiaoyan Zhang, MS – Syracuse University
(Merril Silverstein)
Session Title: Minority and Diverse Populations: Between-Group Differences and Within Group Experiences
Race/Ethnicity, Vascular Aging, and Mortality Risk: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
First Author: Kevin Heffernan – Syracuse University
(Janet M. Wilmoth and Andrew London)
Session Title: Late Breaking Poster Session I
How Lonely are Older Americans Act National Family Caregiver Support Program Participants?
First Author: Claire Pendergrast, MPH – Syracuse University