Maggie Kuhn Award – Call for Nominations


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Nominations are welcome for the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Youth, Aging, and the Life Course Division’s Maggie Kuhn Award for Scholar-Activists.  Maggie Kuhn was the founder of the Gray Panthers, an intergenerational social justice organization.  The Maggie Kuhn award, established in 2014, is awarded to a scholar-activist who upholds the ideals of social and economic justice, and peace, for individuals of all ages in both their scholarship and service.  These ideals include, but are not limited to, honoring age, intergenerational work, and scholarship and/or activism that promotes a humane society by putting the needs of people over profits, responsibility over power, and democracy over institutions.  For more information or to nominate a scholar-activist, please e-mail Andrew S. London at:

The deadline for nominations is March 15, 2015